domenica 7 agosto 2011

Summer time, happiness, and in wedding dress

Dear diary,

Long time since we had a little talk, don’t you agree? I was kind a busy in these last three weeks. I start working at one Italian female magazine and I haven’t got so much free time. Except on weekends obviously, but I usually I like to spend those days with my family and friends and that’s why I haven’t been so much active. But now, here I am, with a cup of cappuccino on my desk, sitting in my lovely pink room, I’m all yours now!

It was really nice although a bit cloudy weekend. Pity that’s about to end. Yesterday I did some shopping and I’ve finally found the perfect wedding dress. No, I’m not getting married although I am surrounded by people who are in that kind of spirit. One of my closest girl friends from university is getting married on 27th August, here in Trento, and I am pretty much excited about that lovely event. I was in a hunt for the perfect dress with a capital p for some weeks and I’ve finally found one which perfectly fits all my needs and desires. It is a very nice dress, it was a love at the first sight when I saw it, and I couldn’t stop myself from buying it. How could I? It is like the dress itself was just waiting for me. For more details about my lovely dress, you have to wait for few more weeks. I don’t want to speak further about it, you just have to be patient and see it with your own eyes. I hope you’ll like it as much as I do!

Speaking about weddings, summer is definitely a great period for celebrating them. In this moment I remember of one that took part three years ago. It was at my first Italian wedding. I remember it as it was yesterday. That lovely August day of 2008 was outstanding. Perfect location, weather was very pleasant. I had just came back from Turkey at that time and I was so thrilled to see my dear friend Piermario getting married with his lovely Francesca. I even cried a little bit in the church, during the religious ceremony. I know, I’m getting easily touched and tears are there to “betray” me. I can’t stop asking myself how it would be this time, whether I will get touched or not. Probably I will. I will bring few packages of tissues, just in case. Clara, a friend of mine, said that it’s the great idea. I fully agree with her.

Waiting for 27th of this month, I am leaving having in mind lovely moments I spent at the Pier & Fra w-day.. Picture says more than words, as always and speaks about my happiness that day. 

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