mercoledì 16 febbraio 2011

Thank you. Semplicemente grazie. Hvala. Gracias de corazón

Dear diary,

Exactly a year ago, it was an ordinary February day, I started this life adventure simply called blog. Since then, a lot of things have happened, a lot of words have left their sign on this web page. We had a “face to face” meeting for 47 times. We started this blogging “trip” in English and now, 365 days after, our online dialogue is expressed also in Serbian, my mother tongue, Italian and Spanish. Yesterday my dear friend and constant supporter Piermario asked me: “Why don’t you write in French sometimes?” Maybe I should. I had always a very special relationship with this lovely and melodic language since the high school days. Unfortunately, there’s been a while since I’ve written and spoken in French for the last time. I’ll do my best to refresh my French memory in the following months. Soon one language more, I promise, will be added to this multi-cultural kaleidoscope.

I would like to express my gratitude to every and each person that has passed by this blog of mine since 16th February 2010. Thank you for following me not only from my homeland Serbia, from Italy where I live, but also from other, thirty to be exact, countries. Thank you so much, especially to some people from the USA who were following me since the beginning. I’m checking statistics every day you know. J

Grazie immenso, di cuore, agli amici vecchi e quelli nuovi, che sempre hanno sostenuto, e sostengono tutt’ora, questa mia sfrenata passione per scrivere. Sapere che c’è qualcuno che apprezza le cose che scrivo è molto importante per me. Ancora grazie. Grazie mille.

Hvala, hvala svima od srca. Hvala prijateljima u domovini, svim dragim ljudima, koji čitaju moje skoro svakodnevno filozofiranje na srpskom. Oni koji me znaju godinama već, upoznati su sa koliko se ljubavi posvećujem pisanju bez kog ne bih mogla da zamislim svoj život. Bilo je momenata kada me je to isto pisanje bacilo u krizu, nakon objavljivanja mog prvog romana “Balkanski virus” 2009. Bilo je momenata kada mi se činilo da ništa nema smisla, ali shvatila sam jednu veoma bitnu stvar a to je da je pisanje neotuđivi deo mene, moje drugo ja. Sve dok budem disala, znam, pisanje će biti moj životni drug. Hvala. Jednostavno, hvala.

En fin, que decir. Pasó un año del día en cual había creado mi primera entrada. Hace poco tiempo inicié a exprimirme en español también. Es toda la culpa de una persona extraordinaria y su blog, tengo que admitir. Con sus escritos bellísimos me había emocionado mucho y recordado con cuanta pasión estuve estudiando español en universidad. Y ahora pensé, ¿por qué no escribes en español? No es, claro, fácil exprimir sentimientos probados en una lengua extranjera. Pero yo lo veo como un viaje lingüístico que quería iniciar a pesar de todo. Será un viaje largo pero creo que si aprende mucho, si mejora, solo siguiendo adelante sin miedos. Gracias inmenso a toda la gente desde España y algunos países sud-americanos que habían visitado a mi blog. Gracias de corazón.


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