domenica 13 febbraio 2011

Let’s talk about love - intro

Dear diary,

It was a quite nice Sunday, totally in line with tomorrow 14th February celebration. I had to write an article about Saint Valentine day for a magazine and in order to get some useful inspiration I decided to search for an old cd that Katarina once labeled as very depressive. Maybe, could be. However, I’ve found it and it was, especially one song, my Sunday’s soundtrack. The cd is “Let’s talk about love” and the singer is one of my favorites, Celine Dion.

I believe in love as emotion that should be celebrated every day not just on 14th February. And as the song says: ” There are people around the world - different faces different names. But there's one true emotion that reminds me we're the same...” No matter where we are and who we are, the language of love is unique.

Before going to sleep I decided to share some poems that give me emotions. The first one is “Ausencia” of Jorge Luis Borges. The second one “Le jardin” of Jacques Prévert. The third one is “Iskrena pesma” of Milan Rakić.


Habré de levantar la vasta vida
que aún ahora es tu espejo:
cada mañana habré de reconstruirla.
Desde que te alejaste,
cuántos lugares se han tornado vanos
y sin sentido, iguales
a luces en el día.
Tardes que fueron nicho de tu imagen,
músicas en que siempre me aguardabas,
palabras de aquel tiempo,
yo tendré que quebrarlas con mis manos.
¿En qué hondonada esconderé mi alma
para que no vea tu ausencia
que como un sol terrible, sin ocaso,
brilla definitiva y despiadada?
Tu ausencia me rodea
como la cuerda a la garganta,
el mar al que se hunde.

Le jardin

Des milliers et des milliers d'années
Ne sauraient suffire
Pour dire
La petite seconde d'éternité
Où tu m'as embrassé
Où je t'ai embrassée
Un matin dans la lumière de l'hiver
Au parc Montsouris à Paris
A Paris
Sur la terre
La terre qui est un astre.

Iskrena pesma

O, sklopi usne, ne govori, ćuti,
Ostavi misli nek se bujno roje,
I reč nek tvoja ničim ne pomuti
Bezmerno silne osećaje moje.

Ćuti, i pusti da sad žile moje
Zabrekću novim, zanosnim životom,
Da zaboravim da smo tu nas dvoje
Pred veličanstvom prirode; a potom,

Kad prođe sve i malaksalo telo
Ponovo padne u običnu čamu,
I život nov i nadahnuće celo
Nečujno, tiho potone u tamu,

Ja ću ti, draga, opet reci tada
Otužnu pesmu o ljubavi, kako
Čeznem i stradam i ljubim te, mada
U tom trenutku ne osećam tako.

I ti ćes, bedna ženo, kao vazda
Slušati rado ove reči lažne,
I zahvalićeš Bogu što te sazda,
I oči će ti biti suzom vlazne.

I gledajući vrh zaspalih njiva
Kako se spušta nema polutama,
Ti neceš znati šta u meni biva,
Da ja u tebi volim sebe sama,

I moju ljubav naspram tebe, kad me
Obuzme celog silom koju ima,
I svaki živac rastrese i nadme,
I osećaji navale ko plima.

Za taj trenutak života i milja,
Kad zatreperi cela moja snaga,
Neka te srce moje blagosilja.
Al' ne volim te, ne volim te, draga!

I zato cu ti uvek nesto reći: ćuti,
Ostavi dusu nek spokojno sniva,
Dok kraj nas lišce na drvetu žuti
I tama pada vrh zaspalih njiva.

Let’s talk about love not only tomorrow but every day of our lives. Love is, remember, one that makes the world go around.


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